Tantric Sex for MenMale Tantric Orgasms

Tantric Sex Couple in tantric sex pose

Male TantricOrgasms


So just how do men let go of ejaculation and experience multiple orgasms? Becoming a tantric man is no easy endeavour, it can take months of training and practice. However, if a man has the motivation and determination to stay the course, he will be rewarded with increased inner stamina, multiple orgasms and may even gain the reputation of being an incredible lover.

The typical male orgasm, as illustrated below, is what most men experience during sex. It is common for a man to get aroused quickly, experience an orgasm, ejaculate and then collapse due to the high loss of energy.

The training phases for men are intended to make the male orgasm build slowly and for you to remain in an orgasmic state, as well as experience multiple orgasms.

Two important terms to keep in mind are Point of No Return (PNR) and Percentage of Pleasure:


So just how do men let go of ejaculation and experience multiple orgasms? Becoming a tantric man is no easy endeavour, it can take months of training and practice. However, if a man has the motivation and determination to stay the course, he will be rewarded with increased inner stamina, multiple orgasms and may even gain the reputation of being an incredible lover.

The typical male orgasm, as illustrated below, is what most men experience during sex. It is common for a man to get aroused quickly, experience an orgasm, ejaculate and then collapse due to the high loss of energy.

The training phases for men are intended to make the male orgasm build slowly and for you to remain in an orgasmic state, as well as experience multiple orgasms.

Two important terms to keep in mind are Point of No Return (PNR) and Percentage of Pleasure.

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